Take a minute to find out more about me

Teachers are superheroes. I have met so many over the years and they all have the same traits: dedicated, inspiring, motivated, learners, enthusiasts, and they do everything they can to cherish and embrace the children in their care.

My belief is that education should celebrate and cultivate curiosity, promote playfulness, and give the learner agency by placing them at the centre of their educational journey. I am fiercely protective of children and their childhood and want to equip them with a healthy mindset and all the learning tools they will need to help them navigate life—this is why I am passionate about supporting teachers and parents.

My life journey has led me here to offer a hand of help to reassure and nurture all those who are looking after our children.

For schools, I offer bespoke training and coaching to suit your needs, and the setting of your school, as schools, like children, are all unique.

For parents, I offer support with the knowledge of someone who has overseen hundreds of students flourish through learning.

For students, I provide a nourishing and respectful approach to learning that will help them discover their own curiosity, passion, and drive.

Victoria Homewood

Victoria has over 25 years’ experience in teaching, management, training and educational consultancy, and is well placed to support schools and empower teachers to deliver excellence in teaching in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. She has taught the entire primary age-range.

“Your workshop was a great inspiration for me and for many. Your drive for connecting and understanding is what really hit home for me. I have had more buzzing classes since your workshop. I often think of you when I see it occuring.”

Year 4 Teacher - NABSS Conference

 Recent Training Courses

  • Become an 'Outstanding' Reading School

    Delivering bespoke training and coaching to ensure all aspects of the teaching of reading are clear and implemented by staff to ensure every pupil is learning to read and the school’s phonics programme matches or exceeds the expectations of the English national curriculum and early learning goals. Through mentoring, coaching and development days I ensure that the school has clear expectations of pupils’ phonics progress term by term, from Reception to Year 2, and the school’s phonics programme aligns with these expectations. Assessment of pupils’ phonics progress is analysed and identification of vulnerable children is then acted upon with coaching for one-to-one sessions. Through the sessions we ensure that the school has developed sufficient expertise in the teaching of phonics and reading which ensures consistency from one year to the next.

  • Literacy & Language & Phonics

    Various courses which can be used independently or as a whole school literacy programme. Covering phonics, writing, literacy and language skills, spelling, and intervention. To explore the principles, skills and terminology which support effective practice related to a synthetic phonic programme. To build confidence in collaboratively planning and delivering play-based activities which promote children’s phonological development; To understand the stages of learning to write and consider the skills needed to learn to write; To gather new and interesting ideas for using stories and rhymes with young children; To consider how we use stories and rhymes, sharing ideas and reviewing our current practice.

  • Meeting the Needs of the Independent Learner

    This course explored which learning theories and approaches support personalised learning. We investigated the differences between individualised, personalised and differentiated learning. Practitioners considered how developing questioning and enhancing critical thinking skills can empower learners with their own learning journey.

    We addressed teaching and learning so learners have agency. Assessment for learning was investigated and we created and designed flexible learning spaces and environment for learner-centred and learner-driven classrooms.

  • Child Development & Quality Interactions

    For Early Years practitioners to understand and feel able to apply key theories and research that underpin early years practice; To have an overview of child development and key milestones that children reach in their early years from conception to age eight years; To understand how the brain functions in its early years and consider the range of ways young children learn; To consider the role of the adult in supporting children’s learning through a balance of child-initiated and adult-led experiences and developing an effective learning environment. To develop an understanding of how communication and language develops in young children; To understand the importance of Play on the brain and the stages of Self-Regulation.

  • Building Magic in EYFS

    This course was aimed at Early Years Practitioners to reflect on the implementation of the new Early Years Framework 2021. With an opportunity to share useable strategies, through interactive delivery and thought-provoking content, this one day workshop enabled practitioners to return to school having achieved these objectives; reviewing delivery of the Early Years 2021 framework, whilst considering best practice. Planning and implementation of learning opportunities during continuous provision and adult-led activities. Monitoring development and progress to support meaningful next steps, reviewing current and potential assessment strategies. Embedding strong practice and being ready for inspection and to enhance the magic in their EYFS.

  • Effective Feedback for Positive Results

    This course explored the role of different types and models of feedback and how to implement them in the school setting. Headteachers, senior leaders, teachers and practitioners gained insight into new guidance from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) on how teacher feedback is essential to improve pupil learning and we explored ways to enhance teaching and learning at primary level.

    We explored how to create a culture of thinking, learning and feedback and how to teach students from early stages to give feedback to teachers. We discussed the variability of feedback, the importance of clear success criteria and a shared language of learning.

    The four models of feedback were analysed and the teacher’s skilful questioning which establishes the depth of the student’s understanding.